
yukiatsu and tsurumi

He did not dare to look at her. 'I- well- um...' He tried to look away, but he could still feel her icy, unblinking gaze on him. 'I... yeah, I do like you.'
Not because of how angry she was, but because of how pained she looked. 'Please help me, Tsuruko!' I can't just forget about Menma overnight, even if I want to. For the longest time, I was indeed like that. Tomorrow, when I accept my award, I'm going to tear my speech into half and run around the stage, shouting that I'm in love with Tsuruko! It wasn't supposed to turn out this way!'

', 'You're asking a girl out only a few days after you broke up with one. His words rang with a sharp honesty.

Atsumu and her are seen together so often that they are mistaken for lovers by their classmates and a shopkeeper. He finally said, and heaved a sigh of relief. Yukari-sempai? 'You think that I'll always be by your side, waiting to throw myself at you the moment I have the chance to? 'Hey... Tsuruko...' He began. He knew that she wanted to trust him. Thank you so much for writing this! However, more than that, he knew that she was sick of being betrayed by him, over and over again. Tsuruko explained. Tsuruko stepped to the side, and began walking ahead once again. Had something changed? 'I called you here precisely because of that.'. Yukiatsu looked towards the ground. Episode 4 - "The White Dress with a Ribbon", https://anohana.fandom.com/wiki/Chiriko_%22Tsuruko%22_Tsurumi?oldid=10830. She just looked on at him stoically, expectantly. In the credits of the last episode, Chiriko and Atsumu are seen together opening up to each other, it is also seen that Atsumu gave his extra hairpin that he kept (the one like Meiko's) to Chiriko. 'You expected me to say yes.' ', 'I-idiot... Only the Super Peace Busters uses that... Nobody will know who you're referring to anyway...'. She also has a dark blue skirt, dark blue, mid-calf socks and brown shoes. 'You know the back gate's closed today. 'What if the gift that Menma left me was to teach me that I deserve better? She said emphatically, accentuating each word. He was not going to let go of her, no matter what. She is considered the second smartest person in the group as she attends the same elite high school as Atsumu but she is inferior to him academically. '-Crap, it's Tsurumi-san! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He could never have imagined that everything would go so wrong. She said. :). Menma is gone, and she can't receive it any more. 'I wish I was the person who could help you. 'I wanted to be with a girl... for the physical comfort and the social status and all the other material benefits... but I never wanted to allow my heart to belong to anyone else but Menma.' 'Let go of my hand.'. She knew of his guilt over Meiko's death. 'What is it?'. Then, he brought it up to her chest, and held it with both of his hands. I desperately needed a fanfiction about them to cure the unsatisfactory perspective of the series. Not her. I can imagine a scene like this though, I just wished this ship will smoothly sail, even without us watching another series. As she spoke, her voice began to waver. He was not going to lie to her any more. Tsuruko is a young woman of average height and a slim build. It could have worked too because Tsurumi understands him well.

This definitely sums it up for me! He professed, still holding her.

I knew I couldn't ever be with you unless my heart genuinely belonged to you and no one else... so I never bothered to try...', 'As if!'

11/10. I want you to force me to pay attention to you all the time! 'They can say what they want. His 'coolness' is an act to hide his insecurity. He'd be a lot more honest, for sure. 'By the way, I've always wanted to tell you something... and I suppose now's as good a time as ever.' This is... just... wow. Occasionally, she wears a pendant with a blue, oval gemstone. Why did you have to first ask Anaru, then this other girl whom you've never even spoken to before, and then finally me? Just like celebrities in real life...', 'Sometimes I wonder if they even know what love means-', '-Crap, it's Tsurumi-san! 'Is that all, Yukiatsu? 'I-' He pushed himself off the gate and made his way towards her, '-have something special to tell you.' Everything they are and everything they aren't. 'Don't... don't say that...', 'Stop acting like you're the one who deserves the pity!' 'Look, this is bullshit! Yukiatsu declared proudly. 'W-wait, Tsuruko! And now... it belongs to you, Tsuruko.' Chiriko “Tsuruko” Tsurumi has remained friends with Atsumu “Yukiatsu” Matsuyuki. Anyhow, I thought I'd have a go at something different. Tsuruko said harshly, losing her temper once again. Yukiatsu suddenly asked. She also wears red, rimless bottom glasses and a watch with a brown strap on her left wrist. She dug through her belongings for a while, and produced a small hairpin with a pink flower attached to it. I don't understand... so is it a yes or no...?' Please write more! ', 'No!' Man, well done, you made me tear up a little. Tsuruko stared at him. 'I don't care!' She knew of his guilt over Meiko's death and suspected that he was crossdressing as a means of coping.

She came back for everyone, including him. Nice fic! After two hours after finishing Anohana, I went on FanFiction to see if there wer any Tsuruko/Yukiatsu stories. She often sketches while idle, even doodling Atsumu "Yukiatsu" Matsuyuki wearing Meiko's sundress. He shouted. He wanted to feel their bodies become one, to melt together until an unbreakable bond was forged that not even his feelings for Menma could undermine. Once off the phone Chiriko says that Atsumu has "no idea how hard it is to keep up with him," implying that she has to work especially hard just to keep her ranking while Atsumu excels easily. I could not get rid of the emptiness that was swallowing my heart. And I have! She keeps the hairpin Atsumu threw away after being rejected by Meiko, even wearing it when alone. 'Then I would've done something a long time ago, Yukiatsu!' 'Ah well, when we go for Poppo's barbeque, I guess I could tell everyone that I'm no longer obsessed with Menma. She began to sniffle. Reluctantly, Tsuruko and Yukiatsu let go of each other. She kept rubbing her eyes, but the tears would not stop. I just finished Anohana and I needed to see something like this to be truly satisfied. Yukiatsu's eyes widened, and he let go of her hand in shock. But none of that worked. She also wears red, rimless bottom glasses and a watch with a brown strap on her left wrist. And, if it's to be any source of comfort, spoiler alert, Tsuruko and Yukiatsu do get together in the end. ', 'I never said that!' Tsuruko held the hairpin to her heart. I wish you had taken on the challenge of writing them in character and showing us Yukiatsu overcoming his "emotional prison" instead of "reimagining." They could feel the longing in each other's hearts, and smiled at each other warmly. Yukiatsu continued. When he made the decision to ask her out, he kept telling himself that no matter how selfish his motivations may have been, it was alright because it would still make her happy. This story is a counterpart to Conversations: Jintan and Anaru. She already knew that she was going to trust him. I don't deserve the life I have...', 'You need help.'

Tsuruko was shaking all over. Which is why, whenever I'm thinking about Menma, I want you to force me to think about you instead, Tsuruko! However, he realised that her closer hand was already occupied with a book, and the other hand was busy turning the pages. Bring video games, books, movies, music, anything that you like!

She leaned her head against Yukiatsu's chest, and allowed him to hold her in his arms a little longer.

She seemed to have lost all patience with him. How's that fair for me?' 'Wha-?' To never allow myself to forget how beautiful you are!'. No blush, no fluster, no turning away in embarrassment or squeal of delight. Yukiatsu protested frantically, and tightened his grip even further. Chiriko feels that he is irreplaceable to her, thus she aids the effort to have Meiko achieve nirvana. You can get the link from my profile. Still, I went ahead and wrote this fic, not because I wanted reviews, but because I felt that I needed to write it. 3, I like the way that you ship Me and Tsuruko! More than that, however, it fuelled a new determination in his heart. Tsuruko is a young woman of average height and a slim build with mid-length, straight dark blue hair (usually down, but sometimes in a ponytail) and green eyes. No, not all was lost. 'Hurry up, or we're going to have to pay the peak hour fare. Yukiatsu laughed. 'What if I've changed?' 'You're right, it is symbolic.' It could have worked too because Tsurumi understands him well.

Great story, probably the best of this pairing around this site. Then, they checked their phones, and saw that they had each received a text message from Poppo. I'm in love with the scene because it seems like something Yukiatsu and Tsuruko would say and do :). Tsuruko said. 'Please free me from my obsession with Menma! Chiriko still feels indifferent over Meiko "Menma" Honma's return, doubting what her intentions are or if she has truly forgiven everyone. 'Maybe... the reason why I never asked you out all these years... was that I was fearful of losing my feelings for Menma.'. Someone had sent both of them a text message. Author's note: If you haven't watched AnoHana before, and you've stumbled on this because of one of my other fics, well, GO WATCH IT NOW. He could feel Tsuruko's body shaking in her arms, and he could feel himself shaking in her arms, but he just squeezed her harder and harder until his body became limp and the throbbing of his heart numbed away, and he could feel himself forcing all the pain and despair out of hers'. He forced himself to raise his head. 'Wouldn't miss it for anything in the world.' Yo, what's up! 'It's just as I thought.'

'I-' Yukiatsu paused, trying to find the right words. Tsuruko looked like she was about to burst into tears.
Then, he screamed and kicked at the gate. Tsuruko said sadly. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. He never wanted to let her suffer this way again. Tsuruko has an extremely serious and logical personality who can be critical of others, and in particular scolds Naruko "Anaru" Anjou for her habit of following others. L-let's get going, guys.'. ', 'Ohhh, I get what this is about.' I feel like as if this is a contintuation of the Anohana series that were done by the same writers. Yukiatsu laughed. He's probably good at analysing his own feelings and (trying to) justify them, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to maintain his secret crossdressing fetish for so long. It read. Her words were muffled because she had begun to cry again. Apparently, he broke up with captain of the archery team! I really do, Yukiatsu.'.

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