
delta sigma theta membership application packet 2020

Annual Membership Dues Renewal . You will be asked to: • Input biographical and academic data; <> Please provide whatever number is used to verify academic eligibility. %PDF-1.6 %���� - May 17-19, 2019, New Member Experience Retreat Application packet including all materials must be received post marked by the new Extended data 5/2/2020. Thank you for your interest in Theta Delta Sigma®. NEXT CHAPTER MEETING. Avoid membership in another Pan-Hellenic society. %���� <>/Metadata 349 0 R/ViewerPreferences 350 0 R>> endobj • Upload a copy of your current schedule and/or resume; School Transcript can be unofficial or last report card. ��w� �,����hokminjl��������(�2h�f���I{��z���&00t4 yעh``� )�@Q,�0H �c����PR��u�n -�S��M�Y�3.f�fRdQe1d��ü��sSl��������n�w�Z����u 12�3�`Ta8Ĩ�p�Q�� ���p�Q�� ��iF ��5N3�U��N3| � �i�U��d �4a��*(�bv0t��a"�H$���5�:�ElggX�(�0Fh1`��~ Ҍ�T�H/��{P�q ]��1y������������������������K@_oO����˫*�+kBC��"#��%�T4��Tu��4 ��tM��k����[Z��;:���s�SrcR�b�����3 Please note, Marietta- Roswell Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., is not holding, sponsoring, nor conducting any activities related to membership intake at this time. Theta Delta Sigma is the world’s most diverse fraternity with a gender-inclusive membership. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority has cancelled all in person events until further notice. 4 0 obj Name of the member that introduced you to Theta Delta Sigma. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. before this application can be considered, the applicant shall provide to the chairperson of the scholarship and standards committee a completed, typed application packet which includes: (1) a non-refundable application fee of $20.00 in the form of a money order or ceritified check, made payable to: delta sigma theta sorority, inc.; and Covering Franklin, Granville, Vance, and Warren counties (North Carolina) and Mecklenburg County (Virginia), this chapter was chartered in 1945; presently we are a chapter of over 90 members. This meeting is CLOSED to the public. Baltimore Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was chartered in 1922 as the first alumnae chapter in the state of Maryland. Theta Delta Sigma is the fastest growing and largest co-ed multicultural Greek organization in the United States. 0 This should include class, work, involvement, and any other routine commitments. type your responses; no application with handwritten responses will be accepted. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 1707 New Hampshire Ave., NW Washington, DC 20009 Phone: (202) 986-2400 Fax: (202) 986-2513 For each of the questions below, please be sure to provide a thorough response so that we can get to know you better and have a clear understanding of your experiences and goals. &ςH� `�+0� L���"{E�$��% vH�1�,[$��������O2����w� f�K Please be sure to be thorough and accurate in all of your responses as this may be the first impression we have of you. - August 1-4, 2019, Lifelong Member Experience Retreat. Download the Credit Card Form from the website. Since Theta Delta Sigma® is committed to diversity and inclusion, we make an effort to provide access to membership to those who meet our minimum eligibility criteria. This is required for all applicants that are not currently enrolled or graduates of a college or university. 2�����K�ED��%��ed����NX��μH�10�{�������P�x� �N�� 981 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<827EBB39FB73354AA172B52675F33892>]/Index[960 33]/Info 959 0 R/Length 105/Prev 319145/Root 961 0 R/Size 993/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Additionally, please be sure to mark your calendar for the following dates (attendance is required): h�bbd```b``� "��H�tɪ f_��`2, V� • Upload letters of referral and verification of service (non-student/graduate applicants); "��;�~>���>�����ND��y��?q$P�_&��v���$����c�����B��0��#�J�*�&��V�:��]�̧�&��4���o 4���s�x�/q�^ ��&?�&��̃u�_����4'���0��>�a�sʳ�l~ߠ��ߧהÐ�(�S��Q�(�d�nj�r�=��j{������l>~��8�i�2���T��\���)Q�+FQ��8�z�����. endstream endobj startxref Membership Intake We appreciate your interest in gaining membership into our illustrious sisterhood. :�ik��Bok�#H���@ơе � �A�j��hG�����ɢ���6�P�= ���ò��n����*�&�բ;�b�*�����X�h��N�v�o�&-: ;�o���|�����������m\/^���x%)��r&ĹB�y����n��L���. FY 2019-2020 NATIONAL DUES ($190) $_____ MEMBER-AT-LARGE, REGION ($200 MAL Fee includes This helps to ensure that we have selective but fair and equitable enrollment process. stream %%EOF x����o�0��#���P-W�? you shall not redistribute the application. Application Deadline: Application package must be postmarked by April 10, 2020 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INCORPORATED Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, was founded by 22 young women on the campus of Howard University in Washington, D.C., on January 13, 1913. The organization provides services and programs to promote human welfare. If you have not, please describe your level of interest in that work today. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 10:00 am Meeting Begins (Zoom waiting room will open at 9:30 am) Do NOT share meeting credentials. November 14, 2020 – Virtual Chapter Meeting. Should the Chapter's position change moving forward, ample notice will be provided of Rush activities according to 960 0 obj <> endobj Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy 2020-2021 Information &Application Packet The Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy was established under the leadership of Marcia L. Fudge, the 21st National President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. as a way of developing new If this is your first semester in college, please provide your final high school GPA. <> 2020 scholarship application information: Currently, Bronx Alumnae Chapter is awarding a four-year scholarship in the amount of $6,400 , dispersed at $800 per semester, to a high school senior who is a resident of the Bronx and maintains each semester in college an overall 2.8 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Box 418194 . delta sigma theta sorority, incorporated a service organization since 1913 2017 – 2018 application for membership this application is a part of the packet you received after your attendance at the rush activity. This will help us to determine your legacy eligibility. Theta Delta Sigma® seeks to welcome individuals who are inspired by our ideals and seek to transcend in all endeavors.

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